MHRA inspectors became suspicious when A1 Pharma, a UK based pharmaceutical wholesaler, reported that during an audit they found that the sale of medicines classified as ‘controlled drugs’ had not been recorded as such within the company’s management system. The cancer medications are valuable on the black market, as they are abused by bodybuilders to counteract the unwanted effects of other hormone medications. The successful prosecution followed an investigation by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, which revealed that Jaspar Ojela, 56, owner of a pharmacy in Dudley, illegally supplied opiate painkillers, tranquillisers and medications intended for the treatment of cancer. The drugs have an estimated street value of £280,490. A registered pharmacist received a 28 months prison sentence at Wolverhampton Crown Court, on 13 January, for illegally supplying Class B and Class C controlled drugs to criminal associates on the black market.