Download e book primbon jawa
Download e book primbon jawa

Download e book primbon jawa

This research method uses descriptive qualitative method with four stages, namely identification, planning, action and evaluation. The focus of this research is on educating medicinal plants that come from natural ingredients, traditionally formulated by community groups, and are believed to have efficiencies in increasing immunity to prevent Covid-19 transmission during the Pandemic for people in the Anggrek sub-district. Fourth, the medical care methods include cekok (force-feeding)and sembur (spraying from the mouth for an external treatment).Keywords: traditional medical care, Javanese manuscript, cekok, sembur Third, herb/prescriptionprocessing methods include: (a) burning, (b) steaming in a rice steamer, (c) chewing, (d)smoothing, and (e) boiling. Other complementaryingredients are hot fresh water, salt, snakehead murrel, and starch. Second,the ingredients/medical prescriptions are in the form of: root (narcissus), wood/bark(sandalwood, kayu timur, and mesoyi), leaves (tamarind, lampes, and trawas), fruits (anise,chili, areca nut, and nutmeg), seeds (black cumin and coriander ), flowers (clove and apen),bulbs (garlic), and rhizomes (bengle, dlingo, and black curcuma). First, Javanese traditionalmedical care is found for intestinal worms and dysentery (bloody stools). The source of the researchdata was Serat Primbon Jampi Jawi Volume I, a collection of the Reksapustaka Library,Mangkunegaran, Surakarta. This study aims to describe Javanese traditional medical care in the Serat Primbon Jampi Jawi manuscript.

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